Studijní pobyt v Irsku

Studijní pobyt v Irsku 2019

This trip enriched  me  with  great benefits.   The biggest benefit for me was that I fairly increased my English knowledge, especially my speaking and listening skills. I could develop and acquire a wide range of vocabulary in the Natural and Cultural Heritage Interpretation or Business, which I can apply in my job as a tourist guide at URSUS centre or communicating with project partners. I am more self-confident now as I could study Vocational English in its natural environment and that was very important.  Irish countryside is similar to the one I come from, I live in, i.e. the Beskydy Mountains. When I was walking in the countryside with our lecturer, observing the landscape around and listening to his interpretation about the way of life with nature, how the ancestors were struggling to survive, about their traditions and customs, I realized how was Irish ancestors´ way of life similar  to the one in the Beskydy….process of deforestation for pastures, pasturing sheep and goats, fields to be cultivated in the mountains to plant potatoes. In other words the respected nature much more.

I met new people, such as Japanese, Spanish, Germans, Arabic with whom I could talk about the economic and political situation in their country, the way of life, job opportunities, meals, hobbies… We exchanged telephone contacts and are in touch with some of them.

Ireland gave me a lot of experience how to talk with group of people of various nationalities, cultures, so I am more self-confident now and more aware of differences among cultures and the attitudes towards them. 

Nevertheless,  I could notice a few unpleasant aspects in Ireland. On the one hand,  they are really proud of their culture ( monuments, songs, costumes, products), but on the other hand it made me sad  they can´t see a lot of these products wrapped in plastics or their unhealthy meals represented by the junk food everywhere … You can see  enormous abundant harvest of vegetables, so I expected to see slim people, much healthier way of life, but controversely KFCs, MC Donalds  and fat people everywhere…

However, Ireland gave me outstanding beauty of this country. It´s gorgeous to see this beautiful and wild nature…

The studies and acquired skills and knowledge gave me an overview and taste to travel around the world.

Irish people have really special language and culture. Their past was hard, but they don´t give up and it is a challenge for me now.


Ondřej Karpecki




