Environmental Conference on Climate Change

Environmental Conference on Climate Change

On 25 January, 2024 NGO infinity-progress took part in a regional conference for the environmental coordinators, teachers of biology, ecology, science and other staff interested in the climate change issues 

At the Climate change conference NGO infinity-progress presented to about 130 participants the GONATURE project output, the online desk game, including the objective of the game and its 9 topics focused on the environmental issues.

The conference was held by the Moravian-Silesian Region.


Environmentální konference o změně klimatu

Dne 25. ledna 2024 se zástupci URSUS centra zúčastnili konference EVVO Moravskoslezského kraje v Ostravě. V rámci vstupu představili URSUS zážitkové centrum a jeho aktivity, rovněž účastníky a širokou veřejnost seznámili s projekty GO Nature & Life for Biodiversity



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