Exposition I – The Story of the Beskydy Mountains

Exposition I – The Story of the Beskydy Mountains

Internal structure of the exposition

The water has been and is ubiquitous – bearing element of the whole exposition is water, which accompanies the visitor through the story of the Beskydy Mountains in form of a drop.

There is no life without water, there is nothing without water.

Water – that is a blood and heritage of our ancestors.

Come with us through the exposition and experience the unforgettable.


The Beskydy Mountains – Mountains Born from the Sea

Where did the Beskydy Mountains come from? How were they born? How come the local mountains were up to 4 thousand meters high? How come there was one huge continent 230 million years ago? Find answers to these and other questions you might have in the first part of the exposition that will guide you through the time and lift the veil of the ancient past secrets. Attractive pieces of the exposition are seen there such as rocks, minerals, fossils …. including the facts in the field of geomorphology of the Western part of the Beskydy Mountains.

Mountains 3D Model with a Cave

Unique model of the mountains called The Water is the Bearing Element of Everything outlines the life in a cave. Do not hesitate and peek inside the mysterious cave with a surprise waiting for you.

3D Model of the Lomná River with Diorama

Model of the Lomná River that follows the mountains’ model gives you an idea how the water comes from the mountains to the valley, what phases must seemingly a streamlet or a creek go through. And who lives by the water? Animals and plants of the fluvial biotope…

The Beskydy Wetlands

The importance and function of the wetlands for life is still underappreciated. Elements you can find here will enrich you with new information and knowledge why it is important to preserve the wetlands that nature has created. The importance of wetlands will be amended with beautiful paintings and drawings of species living in rare natural preserves of Jablunkov micro-region. Even the youngest children will have a good time.

Cycle of Water in the Beskydy Mountains

How is it with the cycle of water in the Beskydy Mountains? You will get a chance to test your knowledge through an interactive element.


The Path of Water

How far must the water run before it gets back to us from the ocean? What streamlets, creeks and rivers flow into the Baltic or Black sea –you will learn more about this from this exposition completed with a unique model “Roof of the Europe”. Curiosities waiting for you behind the doors will introduce you to a life in Beskydy streams.




And did you know that the forest is a reservoir of water, air “purifier”, natural air-conditioning … Do you not believe? You will learn more here. But how long will the forest maintain its function is up to every one of us.


Herbs belong to the forest. Herbs from the Beskydy Mountains will give you a hint how to aid yourself in case of cough, bronchitis, bowels aching, haemorrhage or other illnesses. Electronic herbarium will guide you through the herbs paradise.


Beskydy Protected Landscape Area

The exposition of the Beskydy Protected Landscape Area will introduce you important species of Beskydy’s fauna and flora.

It describes natural values of the area important in the Europe-wide view as well.